Been away from the virtual world for a while and focusing on some priorities- I hope you all can bear with me for a bit. Above is a poster design I made for an upcoming show I'm extremely excited about. Designed by yours truly. 
Cleaned all morning and afternoon. I really needed to do this prior to designing today. Here's my current work space:

More Russian dolls!
I do apologize though for the harsh lighting, my computer screen has been very finicky as of late so my photo editing hasn't been "up to par". I worked on these guys during the Holidays, very detailed and time consuming but totally worth it!
Merry Christmas!
Worked on a lino print recently and I'm really fond of the turn out. I experimented with mixing some hues and ombré
I'm well aware that I've been absent. Apparently, I've been preoccupied with work, making cards and reading frankie.
The lovely other half was down in the dumps the past few days. So, I decided to make him a little somethin' somethin' to cheer him up.
Some pictures from my Instagram:
1. Ginette Lapalme pin from Magic Pony
2. Pretty house by the lake