I was recently in a record store, you know doing the usual, browsing the various artists when I came across some really ace album art. It was "The Crane Wife" from The Decemberists. I kept it in mind all evening and as soon as I had a chance I googled the artist. Turns out to be Carson Ellis. Gawd, I love her work and I hope you do as well. Take a look at a few of pieces work below or go to her website at: http://carsonellis.com/index.html
Some of my favourite things at the moment.
  1. baking books
  2. notes left from Joe on my reminder list
  3. A spring dress from the 70's
  4. my inspirational wall
  5. cameos
Interiors and great styling... it never fails to intrigue and inspire me. I wanna share with you all  Irina Graewe's work, she has plenty inspirational photos on her website but I've chosen two concepts to share with you. Check it out!
Photos above are from Bonjour Tristesse.
Photos below are from Africa Meets Neon.
So ...... I took some snaps of my bag that I made in sewing class; its HUGE but I'm so proud of it. Also, I recently put up some of my gig posters by my book case, take a look!
I've been meaning to blog about Mark Ryden for a while now but there's just so many different artists I wanna share with all of you that I have to stop sometimes and choose which I'm in the mood to discuss. I'm so fascinated by Ryden's work, it's the imagery, imagination and fantasy in all of it that makes me so intrigued. His work to me is very whimsical and sometimes religious and I just love the softness and juxtaposition in all his paintings. Anyway, here are a few I wanna share, all of which are taken from four different shows.
Check him out: http://www.markryden.com/index.html
Hey guys! It's almost the new year and I can't believe it. This year has flown by SOOO fast. Anyway, I've been working tons and currently trying to keep myself occupied outside of work with hobbies and other interests. I'm actually kind of glad that December is over with, it felt like Christmas for literally one day and before I knew it, it was over.
The other night after work, I headed downtown with the mission to find a New Year's dress and had to make a stop at the BMV, it's crazy how many hours I can spend in that store. Just when you think you're about ready to leave another book or knick knack catches your eye. I picked up this really awesome "Petite Livre" or you could also define it as a zine/scrapbook by Sonja Ahlers, it's actually really amazing, it features illustrations from some of my favourite Illustrators such as Kelly Smith. It's called the Selves, check it out or look below! For her blog check out: http://sonjaahlers.blogspot.com/
I also received some great books from some great people this Christmas season which I'm so happy to share with all of you. One being my long awaited, "The Selby is in Your Place" book from Joe and "An Illustrated Life" from my lovely cousin Anna who received me as a Secret Santa this year.  My brother gifted me with an awesome bookcase and desk combo, I'm so excited to assemble that bad boy and display all my books, records and hoarding randoms :)
In an addition to all these wicked books, I purchased one more from work last night. I've been melting over Sibella Court's styling skills and had to buy "Nomad" as well. If you don't remember I posted about her "etc" book recently, and I'm so glad I made that decision to scoop this one up too!
Merry belated Christmas everybody! :) I hope everyone had a lovely holiday! Unfortunately, I worked on Christmas Eve, I was still able to spend time with my family and have Christmas dinner both nights. I wanted to share with all of you a gift I made during this Christmas season! I was trying to figure out for a while what to give Joe's family, and I decided why not paint my very own Russian dolls. (I'm obsessed with them so I might as well) It was perfect too because standard Russian dolls come with five dolls which is exactly the amount of Joey's family. Anyway, Deserres didn't carry them anymore, Michael's didn't have them and Curry's didn't have them. I ended up buying them from the Drake General Store on Queen Street right by the Drake hotel. I'm glad to say that they were a success! Here`s some photos with the process of sketching, painting, detailing and them wrapped in a box. (I didn`t get a chanve to take a photo when they were just painted shapes)

Also, it`s my tradition for every special occasion to make Joe a hand made card, here`s the one I made for Christmas :)
Spent the afternoon being a couch potato today on my day off, decided to watch Roman Holiday. I haven't had a chance to have some "me" time in the past two months, it was just so nice to sit in my pjs and just relax.
Image source click here
So, I recently purchased this book by Sibella Court (photographed below) from work. Like I said in my last post, there's way too many books that I want and a new book presents itself each and every day. Anyway, I've been super inspired by her book that I decided to photograph some of my favourite things in my own room :)
My desk & book case. I collect so many random knick-knacks that it's always a little surprise when cleaning my room.
Window sil & easel. I love my room in the afternoon when the sun is peering through and all my jars and vases are lit. I recently put up my Audrey poster film behind my easel and I absolutely love it :)
My dresser. I love to invent different ways to display or conceal my jewellery. The mini pink dresser is from a Barbie set that holds my chains for necklaces. The porcelain hand is from a flea market, it was used by glove makers in the 1940's, and now I use it for my rings. I also bought new pullers/knobs for my dresser just to personalize them a little more.
I  think this area is one of the most obvious. My record player and night table area. I love sometimes when I can't go to bed I just turn over and throw a record on without having to get up, it's just so convenient. The desk in the background is a table I made during school and it's something I'm very proud of.
So, there you have it, some of my favourite things in my room. Mind you, I could've used my whole website to keep explaining different things but for now there's a little taste of my humble abode :)